
28 foot
Indiantown, FL

The hull, deck, bulkheads, engine, fuel tank and exterior woodwork were completed by R. McComb, T. Whisler and M. Mallory at the yard in Costa Mesa between 12/94 and 7/95. She was then trucked to Bothell, WA. where the interior and final fit was completed by A. Akers and M. Mallory from 7/95 to 7/98. Michael Mallory completed a solo circumnavigation on her between 3/11 and 3/13. Her fastest passage was Galapagos to Marquesas. 3000 nm - 19days/5hrs/15min (avg 6.504 kts). Her best day was 184 nm. She now spends her spring in the Bahamas and her hurricane season on the hard in Indiantown, Florida.

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